Friday, October 1, 2010

Getting that musty smell out...

After leaving the armoire outside for two months, hoping that the problem would solve itself (it didn't), I decided to take action!

I think all those dark patches are mildew or something.  I don't really know what I am dealing with...but google tells me that's what the problem is. 

Therefore I bleached it - twice (once with bucket and sponge, once with a spritzer and sponge)! and its was/is still smelly...thats when I decided to sand the insides (with the grain of course).   Ick....sanding is HARD DUSTY WORK because I can't get the power sander in there...not that I mind hard work, but I need to dedicate a block of time to get good and dirty...In the meantime, I spritzed it with bleach solution again this morning...I will try sanding the heck out of it this weekend.  I figure this has to work - eventually.  Worth it?  I dunno....check back....

(Its really too bad I postponed dealing with it, cause the HOT summer sun sure would have helped out...not that I can move the beast on my own)