Saturday, March 27, 2010

Toronto Craigslist Scavenger

You are delicious to me! ButI have no place for you!

C$440 for 3 on Craigslist...I would try to break up the set and go for the coffee table OR the end tables...
Little secretary you are too cute @ $145....(because I want to be her!)
Hey there handsome! at $250 you're a little pricey!
 Holy smokes you are killing me! $275? no...

Ahhh....that's a little better...2/$75
You're a cutie pie....$145 sounds high...but maybe you are even better looking in person?
You're orange!You're anti-glare! You're pretty big (16") $250!! I will give you a closer look....
You need to be spray painted turquoise ($40)!  You can have Buddha too ($15)!!!
Why not? $30...ikea.  She would spray paint it yellow...
A classic pair...$150/each...
Paint these...get new stubby shape...$30 for the pair
Deal...'teak buffet' for $30
Asking $80...
You are nifty....$295
This has definite 'curve appeal'! why are they asking $250?
These chairs are pretty fab!  $100 for both!
Rattan! 3 for $50

That's all for now!
(p.s. I could also name this post "Toronto Craigslist round up" or, more appropriately "How I spent my sat night")